Thursday, April 10, 2003

William Saletan, clearly moved by the days events (aren't we all?), writes War or Killing? and concludes it with this:
Simply put, the number of innocent people who are dead because we ousted Saddam is dwarfed by the number of innocent people who are dead because we didn't. The use of American force is on one side of the ledger, and mass killing is on the other. Trends in military and media technology make this dilemma increasingly likely where belligerent murderers rule. You can keep your hands clean, or you can keep many more people alive. It's up to you.

Well, yeah. Saletan isn't usually this confrontational though, and I hope this isn't a symptom of larger willingness to go to war because it seems so easy (easy as of right now, things will get tough over the summer). As this sinks in around the Arab world there is no telling what will happen.

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