While I would be a horribly unqualified film critic, I would be a disgrace as a music critic. I have neither the vocabulary, technical knowledge, nor historical perspective to be able to offer more than "I liked that" in regards to most music, despite the obscene amount of music I seek out and listen to.
Here's my best shot. I am still making my way through a LOT of music from 2008, and I suspect I will be for some time. So let's just say this is the stuff that made the strongest first impressions from what I was able to hear. No real order here--how can you order moods?
Kasai Allstars -- In the 7th Moon, The Chief Turned Into a Swimming Fish and Ate the Head of His Enemy By Magic
This is gorgeous, shimmering--the kind of music where you just sorta stop what you're doing and think try to take it all in. People tend to condescend to "World music" as somehow more authentic or heartfelt or, the reverse, as bland NPR background music. Which is one reason we should do away with such terms of musical colonialism. This is the third entry in the brilliant "Congotronics" series (I recommend them all) and easily the best for me. It's also the least chaotic (part of the wild charm of these albums) with a sly, silky complexity, especially on the first track, which could simply be the best thing I've heard all year.
The Goslings -- Occasion
Ferocious guitar noise, and like everything in this genre and to the surprise of those who don't listen to it, it's really about the pursuit of the most elusive and subtle beauty.
Beach House -- Devotion
I really didn't care much for this at all the first time I listened. But for some reason I kept putting it on when in one of those "I'm not in the mood for anything" kinda moods. These songs are almost all very strong. The melodies will pop up in your head at the strangest times.
Grouper -- Dragging a Dead Deer Up a Hill
Kind of part of the whole ghostly lo-fi folk thing going on lately, but this is truly spooky at times.
No Age -- Nouns
LA rock band...noisy and abrasive, like I like em.
Nomo -- Ghost Rock
As I said in an email to a friend, Nomo are like if someone said to themselves "let's make music with all the stuff Ryan likes thrown together." Therefore, this is not to every taste. Afro-pop, jazz, and rock all collide (really the best word) in this sunny set of instrumentals.
Other stuff worth mentioning:
Sian Alive Group -- 59:59
Suarasama -- Fajar Di Atas Awan
Torche -- Meanderthal
Ruby Suns -- Sea Lion
El Guincho - Alegranza (though anyone who says this is better than Panda Bear's Person Pitch is an insufferable obscurantist hipster!)
Reissues: The GAS boxset is simply astounding, some of the best electronic music I've ever heard. It's like being serenaded by benevolent all-knowing machines. The "Nigeria Special" compilations from the Soundways label are mind-boggling because what I purchased as a novelty (Nigerian Disco in the 70s? Cool!) turned out to be some freaking great music. All three comps (Blues and Afropop, Disco and Funk, and Rock) are solid from top to bottom. Special indeed.
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